In January's Livres du Mois I share with you The Contents of Wilsford Manor, a catalogue containing the sale of the contents of Stephen Tennant's home including, what I personally consider to be most important, his books. I found that when one looked at the list of books they didn't really paint a picture of his collection, so I took it upon myself to track down the books listed in the catalogue and recreate Stephen Tennant's library. This has been the most engaging piece of work I have ever put together and after the entire (lengthy) process I feel like I have spent this month looking over Stephen's shoulder in the library as he reads his conchology book, reciting out loud to me the favourite shells he collected on his holiday in Scilly, and I hope that by the time you reach the last book, you will too.

Swainson’s Exotic Conchology
Gifted to Stephen by Siegfried Sassoon on their holiday in Italy. The title page is inscribed:
War has its idiot Shells:
How different are these,
Designed by diligent Nature
For her Devotees…
From SS Oct. 3 1929’
Siegfried gifted many books to Stephen on shells and plants, pictured above is Stephen reading another encyclopaedia, Reeve and Sowerby's Conchologia Iconica, in the Library of Wilsford Manor 1929.